
Through this artistic universe one day man wasborn and with him comprehension and artistic manifestaíions have been happening throughout history. True artists have appeared every period of time and have contributed to raake Ufe more beautifiíl. Althougli times have been changing, the essence of art has always remained the same. Today, while thousands of artists arise every day, ají of them looking for their identity and showing the world their creativity, appears Francisco Torregrosa.Born in a small town (around 7.000 inhabitants) called Muro del Alcoy in Alicante province, Spain. He carne into being on May 1953. He has always been a common man. As a painter he has been and is very creative always evolving and very keen on coloiir. His life has always been influenced by two important features: the fírst one is because he has lived in an área very important in archaelogical sites and the second one because he belongs to a family where there are a large number of artists. Perhaps such outer reasons have let him go deeper and deeper into his inner being because he states that art is an infinite world witJiin overselves and thaí it is also a wonderfiíl manifestation of soul to be understood by everyone who loves art. He has always been aware of how complicated the world of painting is. That’s why he never made his mind up to organise an exhibition. But one day in 1982, supported by friends and relatives , he decided to exhibit some of his works at an auction held at the Town hall. It was such a success that since that moment, he entered this world, but being counscious that the path wouldn’t be easy. Thanks to his constancy, creativity and his own faith in what he does allow him to jump the barriers. His painting contribute to the world of modern art with special characteristics. His abstraction get a deep sensibility. On every canvas he reflexes abstract forms but difFerent in lines and colours. The colour he uses representa aparallel world whose limits are colour, múltiple combinations and the infinite. Sensibilily, armony, light and many otlier ingredients make of Torregrosa, be an original painter; just give him colours and he will expand them in thousands of ways, giving them life and beauty. He also paints oils, acrilics, gouache or cold enamel but he is most fond of the mixed technique. He has achieved true wonders by the fusión of colours as well as deep forms which remind us of his inovator spirit. His works express such tenderness of colour that Torregrosa becomes a painter with an intelligent mastership of colour who contributes the world to appreciate art. Admiring and believing in Francisco Torregrosa’s paintings is believing in him, in his ¿Ilusión and his fiíture. His new concept of art breaks through all the roles already established. Therefore, as he is so inovator his only aim is that his style of painting to conquer new hearts and new sensibilities all over the world and he would like his art to be loved by people from all walks of life. In many occasions he has stated thaí he is neither better ñor worse than other painters, but different. Such difFerence has been taken forní during his life since his feelings and his power of creativity started to become original since the day he was born. On May 9* 1953


Francisco Torregrosa is born on 9* May in a small town of Alicante province in the south-east of Spain in Europe. At the time of his birth, the town was celebrating its main festivals. The bands were playing in the streets. Everywhere smelt of “FIESTA”. In this way was born the only child his parents had.


At this early age, he not only played with friends, but he also went to some relatives’ home and played to be a painter. Those gave him pieces of papers and a small brush and some oil paints. He said he wanted to be a painter like them but obviously he had no idea in the art of colour mixing but he had one thing clear, he loved painting and was determined to learn.


Student at school. He was goot ai studyng. He also helped his parents in the bakery they owned. He still went to his relatives,’ but not so often. He started to buy his own materials for painting. Althoug school, helping in the bakery and playing with friends took most part of his time he even had I time to practise his favourity “HOBBY”. He used to paint whatever thing, but his favourite drawings were Walt Disney’s. But the most important thing for him was to give them colour because colour meant life. He also painted colourless comics, selling them to other chiidren afterwards. He built a small stall near the church and put all the new comics on display.


His grandmother (his faíher’s mother) died, making him feel very sad, because she had been a woman who collaborated very much in his religions belifs. She taught him to valué responsability in work and inlife. Following those rules, he knew he could achieve many things in life


He started secondary school, met new íriends, new hobbies such as basket and mountain climbing. He was very interested in history, to such extent that he wanted to seek archaeological sites in the mountains which his town was surronded by, since he learnt that many civilitations had lived on those mountains since the pre-historic man. For him, even the smallest piece of china had histórica! valué as well as an artistic one. He learnt to love the world we inherited from our ancestors day after day. He also wanted to understand nature and to comprehend whatever forní of life no matter how small it was. He counsiders creation to be a beautifiíl master piece of GOD.


He starts his way towards his target. He becomes a student at San Roque school in Alcoy, and al last he learns how to use colours and mix them. He also starts using different techniques as oil, acrilics and guache. He found most interesting visiting relatives who painted for commercial purposes, he learns a lot by just watching them. He practised whaí learnt. He had one thing on mind, he didn’t want to paint anything that could be repeated, He wanted to créate such original works that couldn’t evenbe repeated by himself.


For some reasons that had to do with his Father’s health he decides to study at nigm in order to help atthe bakery during the daytime. He studied very hard for 2 years but these were always some hours left for him to practise with different techniques of paintings, because he was fond of combinating colours from difíerent kinds of paints.


When he was preparing the course to join university (he would have liked to have studied psicology), his father got worse and decided to give up his studies to work íbll time at the bakery. In spite of everything he felt quite happy because that meant he could have some freetime and do what he liked doing : Painting. His parents did not support his idea of painting very much, they thought it was hard to earn his living just by painting.


Good time for the bakery. Anyhow he continúes painting in his free time, inventing new forma everytime. The time of doing the military service approaches. He is sent to the air Forces. Owing to the work he was doing at that time, he received some difíerent sorts of paintings. He liked that fact because for him it was another source of inspirad onAll he had larnt, all he had practised was so useful for him so in this way his mixed technique was born.


He gets married in June new projects for painting are born, his wife supports his ideas. He had the invention of creating his own personal style although it was only for his house decoration.


Good year for his artistic career, he starts practising all what he had learnt. He creates 2 styles, the mixed technique (acrilic plus aerosol painting). He starts experimenting with raised works, with wax, glue or other materials step by step he decórales his house with his own paintings. He thought of himself as an original painter, he ai last, was abie to show his art to his relatives and to all the people who happened to visit him.


He felt filled with happiness becanse he was performing the things he liked. The bakery gave him the money to mantain his home and painting gave him a lot of pleasure because he felt very satisfied to be able to do it, when painting he even forgot about time . This year he also paints oil on paper- Acrilics.


The town hall organises an exhibition in which all the town painters take place. He decides to exhibit 3 of his paintings. People’s reaction towards his painting were so positive, and so encouraging that he decides to enter the world of art, He starts creating exhibitions and preparing himself strongly in order to give out a positive image, better than ever. He spends the autunm making contacts with galleries in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.


Years dedicated exclusivelly to the production of works in order to have enough pictures to startexhibiting. He was aware of the difiiculties he could come accross but in spite of everything he relied on his painting. He wanted to find people all over the world who understood and felt for his art the some as he felt. He regreted to have to sell his pintures because he considered them as if they were his children apart from being original and imposible to reproduce.


Francisco Torregrosa exhibits individually four times and once collectively.Good criticism on the radio and newspapers. But he becomes most satisfied by the acceptation of the people from severa! countries as Germany Belgium Holland, France, Sweden, Italy because the individual exhibitions travelled around the Spanish coast where many people were spending their holidays. No doubt, his paintings were catching on.


Two more individual exhibitions, one of them in Muro. It was a geat success. People couldn’t understand how he managed to carry out two Jobs at tlie same time. The gallery works, but not exclusivelly, because he did noí want to be stop at one place but things the chance to some gallerías of being their representative in their own state. Without forgeting Spain, he managed to introduce his works in Madrid, Murcia and Granada, where he exhibits individually He meets the Italian painter Osear Tugnoli, he joins agroup of artists at the Estudio 42 gallery in Ravenne (Italy) that represents them and they start making a proyect in order to take placIn spite of having get in touch with several galleries all over the U.S.A., he decides to go to Newe at fairs and congresses in Italy, Spain, France and Germany. York first, he visites Leo Castelli, whose fame was know in Spain so Torregrosa decides to ask for Castelli’s opinión about his work and about his intention of working in such afastinating country as the U.S.A. Leo Castelli, kindly compared Torregrosa to one of the artists he represented. He gave Torregrosa some advise. Torregrosa wi 11 never forget Castelli’s words and will always be gratefiíl to him. Castelli told Torregrosa that his works were excellent and suggested that he should never leave New York. He also insisted on Torregrosa working hard in that city because Castelli was sure that Torregrosa could be susccessful there. But due to Torregrosa’s enthusiasm, he went even farther.


Two individua] exhibitions. He prepares a permanent exhibition for a tourist town called “LaNucía” (Alicante). Hundreds of people from different countries visit it. He goes on meeting new people fromthe gaJleries in Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid are crowded with painters. They don’t completely accept this new style of Torregrosa.


He devotes a lot of his time to the permanent exhibition in La NucíaDifficult times for him to fínd anyone who wanted to be his representative. So he starts getting in touch with galleries all around the U.S.A. In the end Aaron GaJlery in Washington D.C. admires his work and decides to represent him. This ment for him to have a door open in such abig country, his dreams come trae in spite of the diffi cuites he had come accross. He knew that the U.S. A. leads the world of art.


Feeling stronger than ever, he decides to go to the U.S. A. to look for other gaJleries that were interested in being representatives of his. That year he managed to be represented in 3 galleries Miami (Florida) North Hollywood (Los Angeles) New Orleans (Louisiana).


His curriculum increases considerably due to the fact that he gets twenty-eight more personal details about his painting because of his severa! participations at fairs and exhibitions. His faith and passion for his career make him realise which the best way for his work is. Because of his responsability, sincerity and seriousness, he becomes the best messanger of his own work which coming from his inner world, goes hand in hand with him as if they were faíher and son. New York, Houston (Texas), Atlanta, San Francisco, among some other cities in the U.S.A.; Italy and Spain in Europe are the places where Torregrosa’s painting show its esplendorous colour with his four styles, which he will go witli him for ever, because they are the essence of all he iearnt in his Ufe.


His curriculum increases again- He gets, this time, thirty are more personal details about his work due to his participation at fours exhibitons and congresses. He participates in some collective exhibitions in New York. He gets represented in new galleries in chicago , Dallas (Texas) o Coral Cables (Florida). The most important fact for his is that his works are getting known and he meets new people and has the chance of getting promotion. He travels all around the USA coimecting with new galleries and knowing about how many possibilities that marvellous country has. He learns that provided you make the effort you can always get what you aim.


He goes on evolving; he would like to be known everywhere. Although the things he does this year are very important for him, on© of the most important ones was his individual exhibition for the opening of “Florida Museum of Híspante and Latín American Art” in Miami (U.S.A.). He is selected to particípate at ”New York-Soho International Competition 1992 al Montserrat Gallery”A member of the event was Mr. Dermis Wepman, editor of the New York Daily News (Author and Art Critic).Many ideas come to his mind this year. He creaíes a place where anyone no matter where they are could be able to ask for information about his painting or his evolution.


He is aJso selected for ” The Fine ají Jndee” North America Edition and in Spain “Artists of Art Book” in Barcelona, But he feels so happy because his drearns carne true. He finally creates his own institution in West Hollywood (California) USA “INSTTTUTION OF CREATIVE ART”. He creates some rules to be followed which prove that his efhic, his will and aim are to be followed in the fiítnre. He aJso intends that his work could contribute to help people who have problems all over the world. Bearing social problems on mind, he would like his work, having been created by his mind and hands to be able to help the ill through severa! Institutíons.


He still continúes taking part at fairs and exhibitions ai different places, but he is most interested in concentrating all his paintings in his own ” INSTITUTION OF CREATIVE ART” to be capable of organiging an exhibition of his different styles. From this place he would like the world to know his work. This year he invites some other Spanish artists, in case they want to get known from his institution. He starts having contacts at galleries, museums in order to get himself known as well asother artists and the aim of his institution. He is not completely satisfied witíi the place where his institution is, so he moves to anew place also in Hollywood Blvd. The new place was better situated and accesible to everyone, so in September he starts operating there To begín something is hard work but it is not a barrier for Torregrosa because he staíes he is working towards the infinite so it’s a never-ending walk.


He decided not to have more artists whom to have in his institution because he could not meet the demande due to the inconstancy of the painters. By doing that he could follow his own rules followed in his Institution of Creative Art. Seriousness, formality and eficiency are the laws by him are the basis of his Institution. It is possible to invest in art in fhis Institution. Everyday his art is better valued due to the strong basis he sets up, as well as his art gets known slowly but steadly by many people from all walks oflife.


This is the last period up to now. All his work, idias, ideáis, ülusions and so on are on the way to get known in many museums all over the world as well as to the people or great personalities inside the artistic world because Torregrosa wants nobody to doubt about his existence, his proyects and his artistic life. In this period of his life the most important for him is that he is praised and supported by some museums around the world. All he has is admired (his personality, work and Institution of Creative art). It might be difficult for some individuáis to get to love his art but he trusts that in the long mn they will do so, he will always fíght to be there. That is why Torregrosa thanks God because his inspiration, his faith in his art and his constancy areGoing over his curriculum and his small biography we can see his way up in spite of his limited supported by many hearts which have beenpossibilities. From now on he thinks of going ahead stronger and stronger.conquered by his art. We don’t imagine where he can arrive The truth is that he will go on fighting with all his strength in order to get higher. He believes that it is amust for him to do such thing and he gets satisfaction by doing so, and states that he is obliged to the people who have trusted him and his artistic careen.